How I Lost Belly Fat Fast & Permanent!

A while ago, I went through a divorce, and my money was running out. I was in financial distress, and I didn’t move from my bean bag on my lounge room floor in my 2-bedroom apartment I was renting. For 8 weeks straight, I was beyond tired, almost like chronic fatigue, but different. I was actually depressed, but I didn’t really know it at the time; I just thought I was being really lazy at first!


I would even say this was my darkest hour. I had reached the lowest of low, and it was my rock bottom! I felt complete despair and actually wanted to die.


As a result, I put on weight, my stomach was bigger, and I even had flappy wings hanging under my arms. When I rolled to the side, I had a stomach that went to the side! All my clothes weren’t fitting, and I had puffy cheeks. My belly fat was due to one big reason: mainly my mental health and my bad choices resulting from it.


But it was a cycle I was in, and I could barely break it. I would describe it as digging myself out of a deep hole one little pebble at a time.

Belly fat burning can be described as eating specific foods and doing certain exercises.

I fixed it with permanent changes as you can see from my list! I fixed my issues in life.

Sure, there’s an equation:

“To put on a kilogram of fat, you would need to consume approximately 7,700 to 7,800 calories more than your body burns. This is based on the assumption that 1 kilogram of body fat contains about 7,700 to 7,800 calories. Please note that this is a rough estimation, as the actual number of calories required to gain a kilogram of fat may vary depending on various individual factors such as metabolism, activity level, and body composition.”

I will list the best actions I took to lose permanent belly fat!

1. Stopped drinking: This might seem obvious, but it’s not when you’re doing it! I was drinking lots! The definition of an addict is someone who continues to do something even if it’s harming them and they can’t stop! Consider that for a second; that could relate to food too!

Alcohol increases your estrogen levels, which can make you store fat, disrupt fat metabolism, and reduce inhibitions, leading to overeating. Plus, it has many more weight-gaining properties!

2. Changed my thinking: I started listening to Free Psychologists on YouTube (Jordan B Peterson had his whole entire lectures uploaded. I watched them all many times through). Also, The Darren Hardy Concept – The Compound Effect. I felt I needed not to be listening to my own head. I was looking for logic, and I knew that if I wanted to be a different person, I had to think differently to get a different outcome!

I would put on the podcast and go for a walk. The compound effect was brilliant and can apply to anyone in any dieting cycle struggle, trying to lose belly fat! The position you get yourself into is the compound effect of bad choices every day multiplied by 365 days a year! Therefore, this concept applies too if you make one good decision every day; it adds up to 365 days of good choices. If you break down change into tiny habits changing, it’s possible to become an entirely new person by the end of the year!

3. Got rid of the sugary food in my house: This was a fun day! Not! The complaining I got from my kids! I didn’t have Nutella and whatever else I had. I did look for other things to add in:

– Whole grain crackers

– Hummus

– Cheese

– Vegemite

– Rice cakes

– Eggs

– Sugar-free hot choc

– Celery sticks

– Tuna

– Greek Yoghourt

– Olives

– Seaweed snacks

– Nuts

– Sugar-free peanut butter

I got rid of the obvious sugars first, then I got rid of white rice, bread, and anything that had refined carbs!

4. Got rid of juice, just drank 2L water and coffee once a day: It gets confusing whether fruit puts on weight or not. Fruit in 2010 was discovered to be digested differently than sugar. It goes straight to the liver and converts to fat. We were designed to put weight on with fruit for the winter. The problem lies in the fact that sugar is in everything we eat these days. Therefore, we are eating too much fructose already (sugar is 50% glucose and 50% fructose); we are constantly in fat-storing mode for some of us!

Juice is condensed down into a liquid from large amounts of fruit and can be consumed in one sitting. The calorie consumption is over the limit because you can be drinking 10 pieces of fruit without the fibre. The fibre fills you up!

5. Stopped takeaways: This one goes without saying; takeaways generally have two things that make us store fat: higher sugar content and higher fat plus the toxic fats that make you store more fat. The fats in the takeaways are most likely cheap fats that cause fat storage because they are toxic. They block the enzymes that help access your fat stores in your body!

Avoid these fats – canola, vegetable, seed oils, and butter. Change your good fats to avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil, and grass-fed butter.

6. Started walking: When I was not able to manage much walking, it was the beginner. It released enough endorphins to make me feel better, and walking in nature was also a big help too!

7. Goal Setting: I made a plan for my future and how I was going to get myself right again. I set some big goals! I wrote out a bunch of goals, and I didn’t know how I was going to get there. They were huge. I looked and googled and researched anything I needed to get more educated on any of the roadblocks I had.

My goals were financial, spiritual, business goals, and health, physical, and educational. The goals gave me a sense of purpose and were solving one of my stresses that is the root cause of some of my issues. That no diet routine or workout plan was ever going to solve! I feel this was key to everything, but yet it wasn’t the first thing I could manage to do!

The thing I did was actually taking action when I didn’t feel like it really saved me!

8. Doing more aerobic training 3 – 4 x week for 1 hr: Once I was able to train, I ended up training for 1-hour aerobic training sessions 3-4 times a week. It involved running, biking, and workouts with burpees, skipping, step-ups, jump lunges, v-sits, box jumps, boxing, kicking, and sprints, etc. Med ball work and chains and tire flipping!

9. Lifting weights x 2-3 times a week: My weight workouts were total body or legs. I concentrated on big muscle groups and the total body as it burns more calories and gets results quicker!

I loved doing the no-brainer workout:

1) Step-ups

 with knee drives,

2) Squats (front, back, and dumbbell and bar and air or deep sumo, S.L, press, and squats and any type I would do it),

3) Butt lift (hip thrusters),

4) Deadlifts,

5) Lunges, Roman split squats, travel lunges, single-arm lunge, reverse lunge, Lunge kicks, lunge punch, lunge cross, side, etc.,

6) Snatch,

7) Clean and jerk,

8) Dumbbell rows in push-up stance,

9) Push up/core holds.


Writing my goals out every day made me stay focused. I wrote my goals out every single day as if they happened! They did, and it kept me focused! Sleep I went to bed early and got up early refreshed, Stress my stress levels went down, and I stored less fat as a result it went down fast!

At first, I didn’t see many results, then all of a sudden, I was back in shape, and life was back on track. Working out became in flow!

I lost so much weight on my stomach, and it was the combination of events that got me to lose the weight!

There are a lot of articles on specific exercises and diets, but I think belly fat is a mental state. You are in the position in the first place from some particular thinking, and it will need to change before the program will work!

I have another 10 things I did as well, but I will leave it at that for now!

Or if you’re interested in doing my course, I can send you a link for the rest of the methods that I implemented!

Email me at  to do my course!